The Munay-Ki comes from a Quechua word that means 'love.' The Munay-Ki are the nine rites of initiation to become a person of wisdom and power who has accepted the stewardship for all creation. The rites are common to all shamanic traditions, even though they are expressed in different forms and styles in various cultures. They derive from the great initiations from the Hindus Valley that were brought to the Americas by the first medicine men and women from Siberia during the glacial period some 30,000 years ago. These courageous travelers were the Earthkeepers of old.
The Rites of the Munay-Ki transform and upgrade your luminous energy field. They are energetic transmissions that heal the wounds of the past - your karmic & genetic inheritance. They re-inform your DNA, enabling you to grow a new body - one that ages, heals, and dies differently. The Munay-Ki is your invitation to dream an entire new world into being.
When we engage these luminous ones, their stories become our stories. When we partner with the Earthkeepers from the future, we can upgrade the quality of our DNA. This runs contrary to scientific ideals, which say that our genes can only be informed by the past, by the gifts and illnesses our ancestors. The Earthkeepers understand that when you are free of the bounds of time, the future can reach backward like a giant hand to pull you forward to your destiny. You can be influenced by whom you are becoming. As you receive the nine rites, your chakras will have the opportunity to become clear and you'll acquire what the Earthkeepers know as the rainbow body, as your chakras glow with their original radiance.
When we engage these luminous ones, their stories become our stories. When we partner with the Earthkeepers from the future, we can upgrade the quality of our DNA. This runs contrary to scientific ideals, which say that our genes can only be informed by the past, by the gifts and illnesses our ancestors. The Earthkeepers understand that when you are free of the bounds of time, the future can reach backward like a giant hand to pull you forward to your destiny. You can be influenced by whom you are becoming.
Munay Ki, Anyi Despacho and Fire Ceremony are about righting our relationships within and around us. It means making right any harm we may have caused the earth or other beings. This is ultimately a healing ceremony but can enhance your connections to guides, ancestors, the Star Nations, and archetypes.
Fire ceremony creates rapid transformation. It's an opportunity to let go of old ways, stories and drama to transform, to renew and to be reborn. You honour your lesson, and old belief patterns by placing them in the fire and turning them over to spirit. Releasing old belief patterns into the fire opens the door to heal deeply at the soul level without having to experience them at literal and physical levels.
Ayni Despacho is done with the intention to bring oneself and one’s community into the right relationship with the natural world. It creates a sense of union, harmony and reciprocity with nature.
When we work in a ceremony such as the Ayni Despacho, we work at the level of the soul. A Despacho is similar to a mandala or sacred creation in that it holds symbolic origins and the prayers of the participants. As the shamans add the elements to the Despacho, the vibration of the participants and the room raises. The Despacho becomes a living prayer that brings energy shifts and healing.
You MUST be committed to all nine rites
To register for Munay Ki Rites contact me directly
Whitethunder000@yahoo.ca (zeros)
Payment Plan
$150 - Up Front
$120 - paid by May 1st
7:00 pm. - 10:00 pm
Don’t be late or you won’t be able to participate. Once ceremony starts there is a very delicate, protective energy called into circle. NO ONE can enter or leave until the ceremony is complete and the circle has been closed.
Location - Thick Wood Hills Adventures
North of Blaine Lake, go right through the main street of Blaine Lake and continue north.
Turn onto Lac La Peche RD. (456 twp road)
Go 13 Kilometers see the sign “Thickwood Hills
For more information on Munay Ki Rites, Fire Ceremony & Anyi Despacho
April 15th Rite One ~ Healers Rite
Rite Two ~ Bands of Power
April 29th Rite Three ~ Harmony Rite
Rite Four ~ Seers Rite
May 6th Rite Five ~ Daykeepers Rite
Rite Six ~ Wisdomkeepers Rite
May 27th Rite Seven ~ Earthkeepers Rite
Rite Eight ~ Starkeepers Rite
June 3rd Rite Nine ~ Creator Rite
