Vahalla Ladder

Valhalla ladders are made from driftwood and are used for protection by gods as they sit at the top of the ladder to protect you and your home. Each ladder may have added elements of the like "Helm of Awe" and a crystal at the bottom, it all depends on what I am called to do.
Runic symbols may be included in the Valhalla Ladder to expand on their power. Elder Futhark is the oldest runic alphabet used by Vikings. It holds 24 distinctive runic symbols, each alphabet has its own meaning.

Valhalla ladders are made from driftwood and are used for protection by the gods as they sit at the top of the ladder to protect you and your home. Each ladder may have added elements like "Helm of Awe" and a crystal at the bottom, it all depends on what I am called to do. Elder Futhark may be used, and it is the oldest runic alphabet used by Vikings. It holds 24 distinctive runic symbols, and each have their own meaning.
The sticks for Valhalla ladder appeared during meditative walks.Some came from the mountains in BC, others were collected along river banks, on the prairies in Canada. Valhalla Ladders may have driftwood from various other parts of Canada. They come from rivers, lakes, oceans or forests. When collecting these pieces I ask for the blessings of the God and Goddesses and to allow me to be a conduit for the creation of its magic.
Certain Valhalla Ladders may include the “Helm of Awe “symbol, which is the ultimate of protection, courage, and strength. It strikes fear into your enemies or those who wish to harm you. It is believed that the Helm of Awe was connected to the Dragon of Fifner. The Vikings believed whoever bore the symbol was given the serpents power to paralyze its victims before striking. Other Valhalla Ladders may have Runic symbols or other Viking symbology.
These protective ladders may have crystals placed within them. With some of the Valhalla Ladders the crystal hanging below is called “Shungite”. Shungite is known for its protective benefits from Electric Magnetic Frequencies (EMF) or radiation waves. However, this amazing stone also has its connections to ancient wisdom. It pushes you to move forward to do and learn more on your spiritual path.
I have been drawn to Viking symbology & Runic Magic over the number of years. My journey has brought me to the teachings of Seidr (Norse Shaman). My partner comes from Norway, so the knowledge is firsthand. As my journey into Seidr deepens more information is being revealed. I recently found out my blood lines go back to Agni/Agne Skalfarbondi 350-380, Dag the Wise or Dagr Spaka who was a king. It seems I come by this connection or reconnection honestly.
Witches Ladder

A ‘witch’s ladder’ is a method of knot magic which originates from many back centuries . The first known witch’s ladder was found in an old house in Somerset, England, among six brooms in the year 1878.

A witch's ladder (also known as “rope and feathers” or “cord magic” or “knot magic” or “string magic”) is a spell charm made from knotted cord or hair, and used in folk magic or witchcraft, normally as a curse but also in any kind of spell-work, meditation or ritual working. Charms are knotted or braided with specific magical intentions into the cord, the intended effect depending on the number of knots and nature of the charms.
It typically consists of a rope or cord with (usually) three, nine, thirteen or even forty knots. Feathers, bones or other trinkets are braided into the string, and special chants are spoken during the creation process to empower the talisman to do its creator's bidding. It can be created a section at a time or all at once. At the tying of the last knot, with a final visualization of the object of the work, all the energy is directed into the cord and its knots and is now “stored” in the knots in the cord. The knots of the witch's ladder enable a witch to concentrate on repetitive chants or incantation without having to keep count (similar to Christian Rosary beads), and enable the witch to focus will and energy on the desired goal
Today, Wiccans and Neopagans use witch's ladders mostly in healing, binding and wish-granting rituals. They can also be used to "bind the thirteen moons of the year. " This allows the witch to work much deeper with weather and nature magic, as well as, to open the doorway to the fairy realm. Knot spells may be created for various purposes such as reducing pain, binding love, ensuring safe travel or creating a peaceful environment in the home etc. The string or cord can be made out of almost any material, but natural fibers (such as hair, wool, hemp and cotton) are preferred. Although ladders are often created as part of a specific spell, many Wiccans may keep a personal ladder, and use the knots or beads to keep track of repetitions in a spell or prayer, similar to Rosary beads.