I spent a lot of time talking, consulting and clearing energy from some very gifted people at the last venue. The people who came to me for guidance with their abilities ranged in age from early teens to around my age. Spending only 15 minutes in my brief sessions barely touched the surface regarding the self care and tools that we must do in order to navigate the world as sensitives. We are the Shining Ones and we have a purpose.
We do not realize the vastness of our light that attracts people and things to us. The upside of glowing so brightly we get to help others, and help make changes in the world, just by simply existing. The brighter the light shines can also attract "unwanted" people and energy. It can cause us to suffer and
also cause us to be attacked by darkness or dark things. Please understand, YOU DID NOTHING WRONG, its not your fault, you didn't do anything to make these dark energies come to you. It is like the scenario of "A moth attacked to the flame."
So what does this mean ? It means you have a purpose in this life and when I say that it does not mean that you have to help every single person or situation that comes to you. Discerning what is meant for you and is not for you is key so we don't become overloaded, it also sets healthy boundaries. Boundaries create time and space to allow you to connect with your innate knowledge and wisdom. Without boundaries, the dark things find a weakness in in our ethereal (outer spiritual essence) lining that begins to trickle dark energy into our physical existence. Eventually we get wore down and begin to feel unhealthy from them or worse.
To exist in this world we need to learn tools and methods to keep you safe and well on all levels. The Shining Ones workshop will be running twice a month for 2 months beginning in January specifically for tools and support for sensitives, empaths and gifted people. In these workshops you will gain understanding of how special you are, generally why you are here in this life and at this challenging time.
You will gain methods of how to clear, center, ground and how to protect your energy. Included with be methods to protect your space at home or at work. You will learn effective methods to set boundaries personally and spiritually. During the workshops you will also gain a supportive network with your peers. After this group concludes you will have free access to a private support group to continue and grow the connections.
This will also include one group hypnojourneying session
The Shining Ones ~ Sensitives Workshop
All on Sundays from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
8 person limit
Entry will be closed at 12:45 pm
No one will be allowed in after that time
January 15th & 29th
February 12th & 26th
Each workshop is 3 hours
They take place on Sundays
Investment $250. for all 4 workshops
Early registration discount $200 by December 15th
Gift Certificates are available
Pay as you go
$125 for the first workshop
$45. for the remaining 3 workshops - Admin fees apply
Must be paid 24 hours prior to each workshop
If you have questions you can email me