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Sacred Path ~ Clouds Never Die

Sharon "Whitethunder" Baldock

I saw this in an article in one of my subscriptions today and I was immediately drawn to it. I loved that it came from the Legacy of Thich Nhat Hanh. Thich passed away early this year and his legacy began when he and Martin Luther King took part in the Peace March in the late 60's.

Clouds Never Dies is the legacy of rooted teachings from Thich Nhat Hanh for peace. He was nominated Thich for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1967. He was exiled from his home land for 39 years because of his voice for peace. His creative connection brought in Mindfulness and Meditative Walking. Buddhism was resurrected when he came to the U.S. to teach. During the most devastating times in life Thich taught many how to remain mindful, not take sides and practice non attachment to views.

Clouds are an amazing thing to me. Thich was very wise and aware of the connections and comparisons of nature. Clouds have so many different variations, the move fast or slow, come in all shapes and sizes, they can be high or low, be in large or small formations, take shapes that we all can recognize...most of all they are forever changing. Even if they disappear, they come back. Our emotions are the same and no matter how insignificant it may seem. Things that we have been effected by come back and continue to come back until we have addressed them. The only way out in.

Life is like a cloud, it never stops evolving and changing. Even after our bodies are gone our energy and spirit lives on. We have become so filled with fear and chaos we have lost what it means to be find calm and be still. Buddhism is not a spiritual teaching, it is a personal practice to remain peaceful even during the most turbulent times in life. Thich also taught this meditative practice to many people during the Vietnam war.

If what you are doing now is not working then its time to find methods that bring us back to peace and stillness. I am back home where I lived for over 27 years and there is a conservation only a few miles from me, this is my peaceful practice. I spent a few hours out there yesterday and became reacquainted with the land, the ravens and other birds. I felt a deep love for the raven that flew over my head and spoke to I said "I love you."

Find this place that means that much to you and be there as often as you can. So that when the clouds of change come into your life you are un-wavered and unaffected. The only way out in. Don't avoid that voice inside that says you need some self-care, peace and stillness. Clouds never lets heal so we can find the joy...and its never too late.

Sharon Whitethunder Baldock

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